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Longwood Animal Hospital and Pet Resort

Small dog out for a walk with its owner in a park outside

Dog Training Services

Longwood Animal Hospital and Pet Resort is proud to partner with CL Dog Training!

Led by Chelsea Little, CL Dog Training provides force free training and behavior modification services for your dog. Courses are offered as 4 or 6 week programs.

Call us today at (281) 373-1890 for pricing and to set up your first session. Please visit CL Training's website to learn more about Chelsea Little.

CL Dog Training Programs:

Basic Obedience and Manners

This is a private course to teach your dog basic obedience commands and general socialization manners.

Boundary and Behavior Modification

This program will help your dog learn the rules that you establish. We work with them so they understand the difference between right and wrong behaviors.

Aggression Work and Counter Conditioning

This program will help your dog overcome their issues with aggression. We will work with them to counter-condition their fears and aggression, desensitize, and socialize them in the world.

Jack Russell Terrier sitting on green lawn with orange ball

About CL Dog Training

Chelsea Little is at the heart of CL Dog Training. She is a certified dog trainer with eight years of training experience. Trust, love, and the relationship between human and dog are at the core of Chelsea’s training programs. She is committed to understanding who your dog is and how they see the world.

For more information about CL Dog Training (including prices), please visit their website:

CL Dog Training